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Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sensex and Nifty.

Sensex is the short form of Sensitive-index. It's an indicator which gives a general idea about the status of most of the stocks. Sensex is the indicator or all major companies of the Bombay Stock Exchange ( BSE ).
If stock prices of most of the major stocks of BSE go down, Sensex also goes down and vice-versa.
To check current sensex of the BSE, click here.

Nifty stands for National-fifty. This is the index which is calculated on the stock value of 50 top selected companies and hence the name National Fifty or Nifty. This is an indicator of the NSE and goes up and down depending upon the stock prices of the 50 selected companies of the NSE - just like the Sensex.
To check current Nitfy status of the NSE, click here.


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