Blog - A click away!

This blog doesn't target any particular area/subject but will give you ideas about everything that you must know to ramp up in your life. Topics will be covered from internet security to blog writing and you can also learn about stock exchanges as well as a social networking site like Orkut.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Orkut profile prompting users to download "afci005.html" - Orkut infected with a malware again ?


What to do if I am being prompted to download ‘afci005.html’ on Orkut :

1. DONOT download this file, instead click on “NO” or “Discard” button when you are prompted to download this file.

2. Immediately clear cookies and cache of your browser.

Read more on :

Orkut profile prompting users to download "afci005.html" - Orkut infected with a malware again ?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Contact me

I will be very happy to listen from my blog readers about this blog and get their feedback and suggestions. Please feel free to drop a message if you have something to say about this blog! 

1. Click here to drop a message to my mailbox ( must be signed in to your Google a/c )!
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Good luck! :-)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Sensex and Nifty.

Sensex is the short form of Sensitive-index. It's an indicator which gives a general idea about the status of most of the stocks. Sensex is the indicator or all major companies of the Bombay Stock Exchange ( BSE ).
If stock prices of most of the major stocks of BSE go down, Sensex also goes down and vice-versa.
To check current sensex of the BSE, click here.

Nifty stands for National-fifty. This is the index which is calculated on the stock value of 50 top selected companies and hence the name National Fifty or Nifty. This is an indicator of the NSE and goes up and down depending upon the stock prices of the 50 selected companies of the NSE - just like the Sensex.
To check current Nitfy status of the NSE, click here.

Bombay Stock Exchange and National Stock Exchange

BSE stands for Bombay Stock Exchange and NSE stands for National Stock Exchange. 

The BSE is situated in Bombay whereas NSE is at Delhi. These two stock exchanges are the major stock exchanges in the country and most of the stock trading in India is done through BSE and NSE only. There are few other Stock exchanges like Calcutta Stock Exchange but they aren't very popular.

You can check the official website of BSE and NSE for more information and updates.

Sensex is the indicator of all major companies of the BSE where as Nifty is the counter part of Sensex for the NSE.

BSE, Bombay
NSE, Delhi

What is stock ?

Stock is simply a share in the ownership of a compnay.  The more stokcs you acquire  the greater your ownership stake becomes in a company. It simply represents claim on the company's assets and earnings.

Common alternate words in use are : shares,'equity, stocks etc.

If you own a share of a company, you are one of those owners ( shareholders) of the company who have a claim to every tiny piece of the property  that the company owns.

Earnings given to shareholders are called as Dividends. 
Generally, a piece of paper, called as Stock Certificate,  is issued which is the proof of your ownership. However, in electronic wold, one can have a Demat account in which everything is done electrocinally - strtictly speaking, online by clicks!

As a shareholder, you are entitiled to some portion of the profit and loss of the company and have a claim on assets but you don't get control over how company policies and it's day to day decisions for running the business. You can only elect board of directos as a shareholder :-)

Few important points on shares and stocks :
  • The more share you have, the more profit you get. If liquidations happen, all the creditors will be paid and then only you will be able to claim on assets.
  • As a share holder, you will never be personally held liable if company goes bankrupt and is not able to pay debts. You will never lose your personal assets even if the company goes bankrupt.
  • The maximum you will lose on bankrupt of a company is the share you own, nothing else.

Stocks - an introduction

Today, I'm going to tell you all about Stocks, Sensex, Nifty and other commonly used terms in Stock Exchanges, which are kind of "flora-fauna terms" for a general user. I will try to explain everything about Stock Market and will give basic concept about it.

 Obviously, if you are thinking to invest in a share market, my articles won't make you an expert - but if you go through them carefully then one thing I can assure you is, you will have basic concept of how things work and will be ready to kick-off a good start!